Design Miami / Basel

20 - 26 September 2021 

Thomsen Gallery is delighted to participate again in Design Miami / Basel with Japanese bamboo art. If you are in Switzerland during the Art Basel week, please visit us in Hall 1 Süd, Messe Basel, at Booth G24. 


Recent major exhibitions of bamboo art at the Metropolitan Museum, New York, at Musee du Quai Branly, Paris, and at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, have helped establish Japanese basketry as one of the great East-Asian art forms. 


Our exhibition at Design Miami / Basel, featuring more than 30 works, covers every aspect of the art as it has evolved over the past century: masterpieces from the first half of the 20th century, regarded as the Golden Age of Japanese basketry, through contemporary works by the current bamboo masters. Included are bamboo ikebana baskets by the most prestigious names in the history of Japanese bamboo art: Rōkansai, Chikuryōsai, Chikuunsai, and Chikubōsai. We are also proud to feature three of the six artists who have received the high honor in Japan of being named a Living National Treasure of Basketry: Iizuka Shōkansai, Maeda Chikubōsai II, and Katsuhiro Sōhō.

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