Shigeki Kitani
Furui furui tōyō no uta, watakushi no uta , 1956
Oil on canvas
Size 15¼ x 60¼ in. (39 x 153 cm)
Signed at lower left corner: 56 S. Kitani Exhibited: Second Jiyū Bijutsuka Kyōkai Ōsaka sākuru ten 自由美術家協会第2回大阪サークル展 (Second Exhibition of the Osaka Circle of the Free Artists’ Association), Shinsaibashi Foto...
Signed at lower left corner: 56 S. Kitani
Exhibited: Second Jiyū Bijutsuka Kyōkai Ōsaka sākuru ten 自由美術家協会第2回大阪サークル展 (Second Exhibition of the Osaka Circle of the Free Artists’ Association), Shinsaibashi Foto Gyararī 心斎橋ギャラリー (Shinsaibashi Photo Gallery), Osaka, September 3–9, 1959; Kitani Shigeki 1947–1970 ten 喜谷繁暉 1947–1970 展 (Shigeki Kitani 1947–1970 Exhibition), Miyazaki Garō みやざき画廊 (Miyazaki Gallery), Osaka, January 26–31, 1970
Formerly stored at Ashiya Shiritsu Bijutsu Hakubutsukan 芦屋市立美術博物館 (Ashiya City Museum of Art and History)
Exhibited: Second Jiyū Bijutsuka Kyōkai Ōsaka sākuru ten 自由美術家協会第2回大阪サークル展 (Second Exhibition of the Osaka Circle of the Free Artists’ Association), Shinsaibashi Foto Gyararī 心斎橋ギャラリー (Shinsaibashi Photo Gallery), Osaka, September 3–9, 1959; Kitani Shigeki 1947–1970 ten 喜谷繁暉 1947–1970 展 (Shigeki Kitani 1947–1970 Exhibition), Miyazaki Garō みやざき画廊 (Miyazaki Gallery), Osaka, January 26–31, 1970
Formerly stored at Ashiya Shiritsu Bijutsu Hakubutsukan 芦屋市立美術博物館 (Ashiya City Museum of Art and History)
Exhibited: Second Jiyū Bijutsuka Kyōkai Ōsaka sākuru ten 自由美術家協会第2回大阪サークル展 (Second Exhibition of the Osaka Circle of the Free Artists’ Association), Shinsaibashi Foto Gyararī 心斎橋ギャラリー (Shinsaibashi Photo Gallery), Osaka, September 3–9, 1959; Kitani Shigeki 1947–1970 ten 喜谷繁暉 1947–1970 展 (Shigeki Kitani 1947–1970 Exhibition), Miyazaki Garō みやざき画廊 (Miyazaki Gallery), Osaka, January 26–31, 1970