
The Ukrainian Institute 

2 East 79th St, New York


Our third exhibition, shown in association with the Japanese Art Dealers Association (JADA), on the second floor of the Ukrainian Institute, will include a selection of meticulously decorated lacquer boxes from the 19th and 20th centuries, their polished, glowing surfaces complementing the rough textures of a group of stoneware ceramic vessels from the medieval and earlier periods. 
Also on display will be another majestic 20th-century screen pair, Banshorio in Formosa (1918) by Omura Koyo, showing a group of water buffaloes in a pond. The water is conveyed by a rich gold wash, enhanced by gold leaf applied to the reverse of the silk and offset by bright green mineral pigment that suggests the contrast between the sultry early summer heat and the coolness of the pond. These screens were first exhibited in the 12th Bunten National Exhibition of 1918 and published in the accompanying catalog.
Press release

For more information on JADA please click here.